How to Easily Swallow a Pill

Recently a mom asked me whether her son should be taking his multivitamin since he was refusing them.  I do recommend adults and kids take quality vitamins. He admitted the reason he didn’t take them was because he had trouble swallowing the pills.

This problem is more common than you think.  Isn’t it curious how we can just swallow big chunks of food without any issues, but it when it comes to a pill, it can be so difficult?

It’s easy once you know-
If you need to swallow one pill, you place the pill on the floor of your mouth– under your tongue. Then take a sip of water and just swallow.

That’s it.  Did you try it? Wasn’t it easy without any thought put into it? Your tongue has been trained to do this countless times when you swallow food.  When you chew food, it usually lands behind your teeth on the floor of your mouth.  Your tongue, which is a well trained muscle, will already know what to do to move that food along.

Most people when they think about swallowing a pill will place it in the back of their tongue and then drink a giant gulp of water.  What happens is that pill can float around in that large gulp of water.  The tongue cannot figure out the location of the pill and it struggles to get it into place so it can be swallowed.  This is why swallowing a pill like this can seem so difficult.

How to swallow a pill

Common Myths About Braces

I hope this article below will help readers better understand what orthodontics is all about.

“Braces are Painful”
This statement may have been true 30 years ago when only stiff metal braces and wires were available.  However, today’s new technologies have produced more comfortable materials.  With these modern materials, there is significantly less discomfort associated with tooth movement.

We sometimes hear from patients who complain about not feeling enough pain.  They think that without pain, their teeth are not moving.  We always have to remind them that it does not have to hurt to work.

Another remark that we hear from patients is, “Make it tighter, I want to get my braces off faster!”  You may think that tighter adjustments and heavier forces means your teeth are moving faster.  However, while a certain level of force is necessary to move teeth, a force level that is too high may start to damage the bone and surrounding tissues.  Orthodontics involves a delicate balance of using the right force over a period of time.

“Having Braces is Unattractive”
Many years ago, the only type of braces available was steel bands that were wrapped around every single tooth.  Times have changed, the metal braces that we use at Manhattan Bridge Orthodontics are the tiniest available.  You can choose a whole Crayola variety of colors to tie around the braces for a personal expression.  Aside from metal braces, there are many other options to straightening teeth.  There are clear braces, lingual braces, and Invisalign clear aligners.

We tell all our patients to be proud of your braces – there is no shame in improving yourself and your quality of life.  Most intelligent individuals will not judge you or laugh at you because you have braces on.  For those who do, take a close look at their teeth, because often times they could benefit from braces themselves!

When considering getting orthodontic treatment, you have to think about the big picture.  Braces are only temporary, while having beautiful straight teeth will last a lifetime.

braces parts

“My teeth will stay straight forever after getting my braces off”
After your teeth have been straightened and your braces taken off, your treatment is not over yet.  After spending all that time in braces, it is to your best interest to keep your teeth straight for as long as possible – and the only way to ensure this is to wear your retainers as instructed.

Your teeth are connected to the bone by elastic fibers in the gums.  As the teeth are moved into their new straightened positions, some of these elastic fibers are stretched.  After your braces are removed, these elastic fibers will want to push and pull your teeth back towards their original crooked position.  For this reason, orthodontic retainers are required when braces are removed to keep your teeth straight and to give these fibers a chance to strengthen.

“Teeth extractions are absolutely necessary for braces”
While teeth extractions are common, it is not always necessary to have teeth taken out in order to have braces. Many patients come in worried about having perfectly healthy teeth removed.  Often times, even severely crowded cases can be corrected without extractions. However, there are situations when having teeth extractions would lead to much better and more stable result – situations such as improving lip protrusiveness and bite correction.  If I recommend extractions, I will have a good reason for doing so.  But the ultimate decision of having extraction or non-extraction treatment is up to the patient.  A patient should never be pressured or forced to do extractions.

“I am too old to have braces”
There is no age limit for someone to have orthodontic treatment.  Everyone deserves to have straight teeth and enjoy a great smile, regardless of age.  The main concern for most adults is the way metal braces look.  However, with the option of having clear or lingual braces that make treatment less obvious, many adults are willing to undergo treatment.  At Manhattan Bridge Orthodontics almost half of our patients are adults over 18 years of age.

“Braces are a hassle”
Oftentimes, when a treatment plan is explained to a parent, they will tell me “wow that’s such a hassle.”  My response to that is to tell them that their child’s quality of life would be much improved and there would be less hassle dealing with the child’s oral health in the future.  A little bit of hassle now would lead to the child having more self-confidence, a more attractive smile, better chewing function, and easier to clean teeth.

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Avoid Future Re-treatment of your Orthodontic Case

Recently, I have seen a huge number of patients who are seeking re-treatment or their orthodontic case.  These individuals seek me out to fix problems with their teeth that was not corrected the first time around.  These patients are very unhappy about the result of their prior treatment and often express to us that they no longer want to go back to their previous doctor due to a loss of trust.

In most situations, inappropriate treatment can be corrected – but why take that chance with you or your child’s oral health?  Accepting treatment because of a cheap price or from unqualified general dentist will end up costing you more by possibly requiring re-treatment in the future.  It is always best that your orthodontic care be entrusted to a specialist who has been fully trained and certified to deal with all the issues that may arise during the course of your treatment.

Don’t be afraid to ask the person who offers to perform orthodontics on you or your child about their educational background and qualifications.  If you don’t, you could be at risk of unsafe treatment practices.  Treatment can and often do go very wrong if you’re not in the hands of an expert.  Make sure that the person you choose for you or your child’s treatment has a Master’s Degree in Orthodontics – not simply a certificate from a weekend orthodontic course.

At Manhattan Bridge Orthodontics, it is my strict policy to only use brand new, high quality materials on every single one of our patients.  I never reuse brackets, wires, or metal bands that have been in somebody else’s mouth – doing so is gross and unethical.  Whichever orthodontist you choose, don’t be afraid to ask questions.

I strive to bring a fresh innovative attitude about customer service, communication with patients, and simply treating people the right way.  The value of an attractive smile should not be underestimated.  It has been proven that a beautiful smile leads to higher self-esteem and increased confidence.  Avoid the possibility of needing future re-treatment of your orthodontic case by getting it done correctly the first time.  Visit us on the web at

The True Cost of Orthodontics

“How much does orthodontic treatment cost?”  is not a simple question to answer.  The cost of treatment depends on many factors and it is hard to determine an exact fee without first meeting with a prospective patient and discussing treatment goals.  There are things such as severity of the case, whether there needs to be teeth extracted, length of time in treatment, and types of appliances used – either metal braces, clear braces, Invisalign, retainers, or anything else.

Each person’s situation and expectations are unique, some may be looking for Invisalign while others want traditional braces.  Some treatment times may be 6 months, whereas others are more comprehensive and will take closer to 2 years.

At my private practice, Manhattan Bridge Orthodontics, I do offer free consultations for those under 18.  I will fully evaluate your case, answer any questions and concerns you may have.  After you meet with me, one of my treatment coordinators will discuss the actual treatment fee with you in private.  If you have dental insurance, we will take that into account and submit all claims on your behalf.

In general my fees are extremely competitive within the NYC orthodontic marketplace.  However keep in mid that aside from cost, there are other factors to consider when deciding on an orthodontist to treat your case.  You have to consider whether you feel comfortable at the office, the level of customer service, the cleanliness of the office, and most importantly whether you feel confident about the doctor treating your case.

When you visit me at Manhattan Bridge Orthodontics, I am sure that you will have a great experience and see that we offer a great overall value.

Please visit our website at to find out more.

Age 7 is a Good Time for your Child’s First Orthodontic Visit

“My dentist tells me that my child is too young for braces.”  This is something that I hear on a regular basis from concerned parents.  While it is true that most people think of pre-teens and teenagers when they think of orthodontics, there are several good reasons for you to take your child to see an orthodontist as early as age 7.  A trained orthodontic specialist can spot subtle problems with jaw growth and emerging teeth while your child is still young – issues that your general dentist may not be fully aware of. 

It is also not necessary to wait until all of your child’s baby teeth have fallen out before seeking orthodontic treatment.  A skilled orthodontist will be able to achieve positive results that would not be possible after the face and jaws have finished growing.  Early treatment will give an orthodontist the chance to guide the growth of your child’s teeth and facial structure while correcting harmful oral habits such as thumb sucking.  Early treatment will also prevent more serious problems from developing during your child’s teenage and adult years. 

At first glance, your child’s teeth may appear to be relatively straight; however, there could be problems under the surface that only an orthodontist can detect.  By the age of 7, the first adult molars emerge, establishing the back bite.  The presence of emerging incisors can lead to possible overbite, open bite, or gummy smiles.  During this age, children may experience dental crowding, too much space between each tooth, protruding teeth, extra or missing teeth, and sometimes jaw growth problems. 

Not all children will be candidates for early treatment.  Often, I will identify a potential problem but recommend a careful monitoring of the child’s facial growth and development.  However, it is only after the initial evaluation will I be able to determine the perfect time for your child to start treatment.

To make braces more fun and acceptable for children, we here at Manhattan Bridge Orthodontics have a large assortment of brightly colored elastics.  These are the tiny rubber bands that hold the wires to the braces.  Children can choose elastics with their school colors, holiday color schemes, or colors of their favorite sports team, such as blue and white for the NY Yankees.  Choosing the color of the elastics allows children to feel that they are more involved in their treatment and allow for personal expression.

Through early orthodontic screenings, you’ll be giving your child the best opportunity for a healthy and beautiful smile.  I am a board certified orthodontic specialist and I can determine whether your child can benefit from orthodontic treatment.  Call me at Manhattan Bridge Orthodontics at (212) 274-0477 to schedule your free consultation for your child or visit us on the web at  We are conveniently located at 145 Canal St, 2nd Floor, near the South corner of Bowery and Canal St.

Braces are More than Just About Straight Teeth

Many people think that orthodontics is only about straightening your teeth.  I can tell you that it is about much more than that, it is an issue of function and quality of life as well. Misaligned teeth can cause abnormal wear of tooth surfaces, inefficient chewing, and stress on gum tissue and bone that supports the teeth.  Enjoying straight teeth and a beautiful smile is only a small part of the true benefits of orthodontics.  Having properly aligned teeth and jaws can alleviate or prevent physical health problems from occurring.

Often times if a person has an incorrect bite, eating can become a hazard, causing serious tooth pain and sore gums, making eating your favorite meals very unenjoyable.  Teeth that are tipped or crooked also lead to poor chewing habits which cause digestive problems.  Misaligned teeth create areas where food can easily get stuck.  A person may not even know that the food is stuck in their teeth – leading to tooth decay, periodontal disease, and bad breath.  There are many types of bite problems that can be corrected through treatment with an orthodontic specialist.

Improved breathing is also something that can be achieved through orthodontics.  Timely treatment can correct jaw problems that restrict the flow of air entering the nasal passages.  In extreme cases, misalignment of the jaw joints can result in chronic headaches and pain in the face or neck.  Orthodontic treatment can lead to better breathing and oxygen intake resulting in a better overall quality of life and higher energy levels.  Another major benefit of treatment is a reduction in snoring.

And of course, orthodontics can improve and alter a person’s facial features for the better.  Many times, people can improve their profiles.  Studies have shown that Asians, in particular, prefer a specific fullness to their lips.  By changing your teeth positions, you can improve the way your lips and mouth look.

Manhattan Bridge Orthodontics

Aside from having a straight teeth and a great smile, the other benefits of getting orthodontic treatment are significant.  Early prevention will be less costly than the dental care required to treat more serious problems that can develop in future years.  I am an orthodontic specialist and have treated thousands of cases successfully.  My office, Manhattan Bridge Orthodontics, is conveniently located in the heart of Chinatown at the south corner of Bowery and Canal St.  Call (212) 274-0477 today to schedule an orthodontic consultation.